
How do I Avoid Damaging my Tree’s Roots?

One of the most common questions we’re asked is, “what can I do to avoid damaging my tree’s roots?” I will explain how roots stabilize our trees, how they help our trees grow, how much space they need to grow and thrive, and how to protect trees during construction. How long are tree root systems and how deep do they grow? Most roots are found within the top two feet of soil. The majority of tree roots grow within the dripline [...]

Posted By Category: UncategorizedComments: 0Post Date: February 22, 2019

Can an Arborist Expert Opine on Soil Compounds?

Defendants appealed the trial court’s decision for Plaintiffs awarding them damages after Defendant destroyed 31 trees on Plaintiff’s property. Defendant argued that the maintenance of a lime pile, uphill from Plaintiff’s property line and trees, wasn’t the direct cause of the destruction of the trees and that the trial court abused its discretion by admitting expert testimony in the form of an opinion. The parties were neighbors, both owning adjacent farming properties. Plaintiff’s property included 31 mature ash trees, clustered near [...]

Posted By Category: UncategorizedComments: 0Post Date: February 6, 2019